dave yarwood
Fixing timing issues in tests


April 15, 2020

The premise

Let’s say you need to write some tests about the behavior of something asynchronous. Imagine that you have a worker process that consumes messages from a queue and uses them to update some state, and you want to test that when you put a message on the queue, the worker ends up receiving the message and doing what it’s supposed to do.

Let’s make this a little more concrete with an example scenario: the state that we’re updating is a running tally of votes for users’ favorite ice cream flavors.

// e.g. {"butter pecan": 42, "cookie dough": 100}
val iceCreamVotes = mutableMapOf<String, Int>()

Our worker process consumes messages from a queue. Each message is simply a string like "maple walnut", representing a vote for an ice cream flavor.

val queue = LinkedBlockingQueue<String>()

// worker process
thread {
  while (true) {
    val flavor = queue.take()
    val currentCount = iceCreamVotes.getOrElse(flavor) { 0 }
    iceCreamVotes[flavor] = currentCount + 1

The problem

We want to test that, when a user votes for their favorite flavor, the data shows that their vote was counted.

fun voteCountedForRockyRoad() : Boolean {
  queue.put("rocky road")
  val votesForRockyRoad = iceCreamVotes.getOrElse("rocky road") { 0 }
  return votesForRockyRoad > 0

The test above will probably fail! The problem is that the message we put on the queue is processed off to the side in a separate thread (our worker process), and we can’t guarantee how long it’s going to take before each vote is reflected in the tally.

To better illustrate my point, suppose that the worker is a bit lazy and it decides to take a little break before it tallies each vote.

// worker process
thread {
  while (true) {
    val flavor = queue.take()

    // Taking a quick catnap...

    val currentCount = iceCreamVotes.getOrElse(flavor) { 0 }
    iceCreamVotes[flavor] = currentCount + 1

Now, our test case will almost certainly fail. The issue is that we’re putting a message on the queue and then immediately checking the tally for the flavor in question. By the time we check the results, the worker is still napping!

sleep considered harmful

Perhaps you’ve worked on codebases before with tests that have similar timing issues. You’ve probably seen people write quick ‘n dirty fixes for the failing tests for the timing issues by sprinkling sleep statements on them.

fun voteCountedForRockyRoad() : Boolean {
  queue.put("rocky road")
  // Give the worker a little time to update the tally.

  // Surely by now it's updated?
  val votesForRockyRoad = iceCreamVotes.getOrElse("rocky road") { 0 }
  return votesForRockyRoad > 0

This tends to get the tests passing in the short term, but it’s not a reliable approach. Even if we’re seeing the tests pass most of the time right now, we’re still bound to see them fail at some point, when we least expect it. Maybe the worker will be especially lazy that day, and it will take longer than our sleep accounted for.

It’s also worth noting that in this simple example, we’re storing our vote data in memory, so reading and writing it is not going to contribute much to the slowness of the worker. But if this were more like a real world application, we would probably be putting our votes into some kind of database instead. At that point, our tests would be even more susceptible to timing issues because we would also have to contend with obstacles like network latency and database locks.

If at first you don’t succeed…

So, how do we make our tests more reliable?

Right now, we might be tempted to ask ourselves: “How long do we need to wait before we check the results?” This amounts to trying to find the right magic number of seconds to wait before we check. This is a delicate balancing act between not waiting long enough (so tests fail when they shouldn’t) and waiting so long that it takes a painfully long time to finish running all of the tests.

Ideally, we would only have to wait until the result we’re expecting has arrived. So, a better question to ask is: “How do we wait for the result we’re expecting?”

There’s a reliable and easy-to-implement solution to this problem: a retry loop.

Here’s how it works:

  • We have a success condition in mind. (In this case, it’s seeing at least one vote for Rocky Road in the tally.)

  • We check whether the condition is met.

  • If it is, then great! Our test passed.

  • If it isn’t, then we accept that there are timing issues and wait for a little bit, then check again.

  • In the event that the success condition is never met (due to a bug, etc.), we wouldn’t want our tests to run forever, so at a certain point (which we call the timeout), we can stop checking and conclude that the test has failed.

    A good timeout value is a length of time that it would be more than reasonable to wait before we expect that the result would have happened already. Depending on how fast you expect the result, this value could be somewhere between 5 seconds and a minute.

Here’s how we might implement a retry loop for our Rocky Road test case:

fun voteCountedForRockyRoad() : Boolean {
  queue.put("rocky road")

  val intervalMs = 100 // Wait 100 ms between retries.
  val timeoutMs = 30000 // Taking more than 30 seconds is considered a failure.

  val deadline = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeoutMs

  while (System.currentTimeMillis() < deadline) {
    val votesForRockyRoad = iceCreamVotes.getOrElse("rocky road") { 0 }
    if (votesForRockyRoad > 0) {
      return true // success!


  // If we get this far, it's been more than 30 seconds and we still haven't
  // seen the result we're expecting, so fail.
  return false

Now the test case will pass or fail reliably, and it’s better than just adding a long sleep before we check the results, because we can consider the test to have passed and move on as soon as we see the result that we’re looking for. Problem solved!

Cleaning it up

This is sort of unsatisfying, though, because now the code in our test case is longer and harder to understand at a glance. And there are a lot more ice cream flavors that we might want to test voting for, so it would be nice if we could refactor this a bit and make the retry logic reusable across all of the test cases.

It is often useful to write helper functions that contain all of the retry logic, so that your test cases can be nice and concise:

fun voteCountedForNeapolitan() : Boolean {
  retryUntilTrue(100, 30000, {
    iceCreamVotes.getOrElse("neapolitan") { 0 } > 0

fun voteCountedForRaspberryRipple() : Boolean {
  queue.put("raspberry ripple")
  retryUntilTrue(100, 30000, {
    iceCreamVotes.getOrElse("raspberry ripple") { 0 } > 0

fun voteCountedForSeaSaltCaramel() : Boolean {
  queue.put("sea salt caramel")
  retryUntilTrue(100, 30000, {
    iceCreamVotes.getOrElse("sea salt caramel") { 0 } > 0

The retryUntilTrue helper used above looks like this:

fun retryUntilTrue(
  intervalMs : Long, timeoutMs : Long, test : () -> Boolean
) : Boolean {
  val deadline = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeoutMs

  while (System.currentTimeMillis() < deadline) {
    if (test()) {
      return true


  return false

This technique relies on your language of choice supporting first class functions; in this case, that means being able to pass a function in as an argument to another function.

I ended up writing the code examples above in Kotlin because it’s easy to read and it happens to have a nice, clean syntax for representing the types of function values. But you can write retryUntilTrue in any programming language that supports functions as first class values; this includes Python, Ruby, Go, JavaScript, and even Java (although it can be a bit verbose and painful to do in Java!).

Hopefully this approach will be helpful the next time you find yourself dealing with timing issues in tests. Good luck, and don’t let time outsmart you!


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