dave yarwood
10 Bash quirks and how to live with them


January 31, 2022

I have a love/hate relationship with Bash.

It’s a quirky little language with many subtleties that make it all too easy to make mistakes. It’s not uncommon for programmers writing Bash scripts to discover bugs in their scripts related to a variety of things, including getting some obscure syntax wrong, using quotes incorrectly, platform or shell compatibility issues, and mishandling errors.

On the other hand, Bash is ubiquitous, and it’s a great “glue language” for composing CLI commands together. The Unix philosophy is chock full of good ideas that keep Bash scripts simple, easy to understand, and easy to write (once you know your way around the quirks). Pipes are a simple, but brilliant idea; you can use a single | character to pass in the output of one command as input to the next, and loads of CLI utilities are designed to participate in these pipelines.

As great as these strengths of Bash are, the aforementioned quirks can be an obstacle, standing between you and a safe, working script. So, let’s talk about 10 things that are quirky about Bash and how to live with them.

The quirks

Quirk 1: Shebang lines

At the top of most shell scripts is a special line that tells your computer which program to use to run the script.

You’ll sometimes see the shebang line point to /bin/bash (don’t do this!):


echo "Hello world!"

This only works if you happen to have Bash installed at /bin/bash. Depending on the operating system and distribution of the person running your script, that might not necessarily be true!

It’s better to use env, a program that finds an executable on the user’s PATH and runs it. env is basically always reliably located in the /usr/bin folder, so we can assume that /usr/bin/env is there for us to use.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo "Hello world!"

You can also use env to run other interpreters, such as Ruby:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

puts "Hello world!"

And Python:

#!/usr/bin/env python

print("Hello world!")

After using chmod to mark a script like this as executable, you can run it directly in your shell:

$ chmod +x my-script.sh
$ ./my-script.sh
Hello world!
$ ./my-script.sh
Hello world!
$ ./my-script.sh
Hello world!

In the examples below, I will leave off the #!/usr/bin/env bash line for the sake of brevity, but you should always make this the very first line of every Bash script you write!

Quirk 2: Variable definition syntax

Unlike in most other programming languages, when you define a variable in Bash, you must not include spaces around the variable name.

# Error: "vegetable: command not found"
vegetable = "broccoli"

# OK

Quirk 3: Single vs. double quotes

A lot of bugs in Bash scripts are related to quoting, so it’s valuable to understand how quoting works in Bash.

Inside of double quotes, a dollar sign ($) can be used to insert a variable value into a string:


# Prints: My favorite vegetable is broccoli
echo "My favorite vegetable is $vegetable"

If your intention is to use a literal dollar sign, you must remember to escape it with a backslash:

# Prints: This broccoli costs .99
# (Whoops, Bash interpreted $1 as a variable!)
echo "This broccoli costs $1.99"

# Prints: This broccoli costs $1.99
echo "This broccoli costs \$1.99"

Or you can use single quotes, which don’t expand variables:

# Prints: This broccoli costs $1.99
echo 'This broccoli costs $1.99'

Quirk 4: Unbound variables

You can trust most language runtimes to explode if you mistype the name of a variable. That’s what you want to happen! For example, if you attempt to run this Ruby program:

food = "broccoli"

puts "My favorite food is #{fodo}"

The Ruby interpreter helpfully returns a non-zero exit code to indicate failure, and the error message makes it clear what you did wrong:

Traceback (most recent call last):
/tmp/food.rb:3:in `<main>': undefined local variable or method `fodo' for main:Object (NameError)
Did you mean?  food

However, in Bash, the default behavior is to treat every undefined variable as if its value is an empty string. So if you run this Bash program:


echo "My favorite food is $fodo"

The Bash interpreter returns the exit code 0 (indicating success) and prints the following:

My favorite food is

This behavior makes it way too easy for your Bash scripts to have subtle bugs where a variable that you thought had a value turns out to be an empty string, all because you mistyped the variable name.

On rare occasions, it is actually useful for Bash to treat undefined variables as empty strings, but I won’t get into that here.

The good news is that there is an option (set -u) that you can enable to make Bash behave more like other programming languages and throw an error in this kind of situation:

set -u


echo "My favorite food is $fodo"

Running the above Bash program results in an exit code of 1 (indicating failure) and prints the following:

/tmp/food.sh: line 5: fodo: unbound variable

Quirk 5: stdout and stderr

Unlike functions in other languages, Bash functions don’t really have concrete return values. Instead, Bash implements an idea from the Unix philosophy that the output of any program can be the input of another. The standard I/O is a data stream, which, for practical purposes, we can think of as lines of text.

So, in Bash, a function, command or process does not really return a value; it prints something to standard out (stdout). Other functions or commands can read that output and do other things with it, like print it out, capture it in a file or variable, pipe it into some other process, etc.

For example, the ls command lists the names of files in a particular directory. It prints each file name to stdout:

$ ls ~/recipes

You can use | to pipe stdout into another process or command. The grep command can be used to filter out any lines of text that don’t contain a particular string. So, you could find only recipes with “broccoli” in the file name by piping the stdout of the ls command above into grep:

$ ls ~/recipes | grep broccoli

There is another standard data stream called standard error (stderr) that, despite the name, is not only for error messages (although that is one common use). stderr is a stream where you can print user-facing messages without them accidentally being interpreted as output data that the next process in the pipeline will read.

The syntax for “redirecting” some output to stderr is >&2. > means “pipe stdout into” whatever is on the right, which could be a file, etc., and &2 is a reference to “file descriptor #2” which is stderr.

To better illustrate the difference between stdout and stderr, here is a code example with a function that prints a message to stderr for informational purposes (to tell the user that some work is happening), and then, after the work is done (simulated by a 2 second pause), the output data is printed to stdout.

Then, we call our function and capture its output into a variable. When we print the variable’s value at the end, we can see that the value is only the stdout from the function, and not the stderr (which was only printed for informational purposes).

the_best_dinosaur() {
  echo "Thinking..." >&2
  sleep 2
  echo "stegosaurus"

# Runs `the_best_dinosaur` function, storing its output in the variable `dino`.

echo "The best dinosaur is $dino."

When you run this program, it prints:

The best dinosaur is stegosaurus.

In contrast, if we had printed everything to stdout, including the “Thinking…” message, the output would have looked like this, which isn’t quite what we want:

The best dinosaur is Thinking...

The same idea applies to working at the command line. Imagine if the function above were a standalone script:

$ ./the_best_dinosaur.sh

We’ve kept the same implementation, so the Thinking... message is printed to stderr and the output stegosaurus is printed to stdout.

Because our script does a good job of separating standard output from “human-oriented” messages, we can capture the output in a variable without getting the messages all mixed up in the output:

$ dino="$(./the_best_dinosaur.sh)"
$ echo "The best dinosaur is $dino."
The best dinosaur is stegosaurus.

Notice how, when we ran dino="$(./the_best_dinosaur.sh)" to capture the script’s output in the variable dino, the stdout (stegosaurus) was hidden from us because it was redirected into the variable. However, we still saw the message on stderr (Thinking...) in the terminal, because that part wasn’t redirected. That’s good! We want that output in the terminal, because the whole point of stderr is to print messages where the person running the script can see them. Meanwhile, the stdout can be redirected into important places like variables, files, and other processes.

Quirk 6: > vs. >>

It’s very easy to write to files in Bash. Any time something is being printed to stdout, you can just slap a > on the end, followed by a file name, and the output data will be written to the file.

$ date
Thu 01 Jul 2021 10:27:14 AM EDT
$ date > /tmp/current-date-and-time.txt

When we use cat to print the contents of the file, we can see that the output of the date command was written to the file:

$ cat /tmp/current-date-and-time.txt
Thu 01 Jul 2021 10:27:24 AM EDT

Let’s say that we wanted to write several entries into the same file. Can we use > for that? Let’s see:

$ date > /tmp/current-date-and-time.txt
$ date > /tmp/current-date-and-time.txt
$ date > /tmp/current-date-and-time.txt
$ cat /tmp/current-date-and-time.txt
Thu 01 Jul 2021 10:30:57 AM EDT

Nope! The thing is, > will overwrite the current contents of the file, if the file already exists.

If you want to append lines instead, use >>:

$ date >> /tmp/current-date-and-time.txt
$ date >> /tmp/current-date-and-time.txt
$ date >> /tmp/current-date-and-time.txt
$ cat /tmp/current-date-and-time.txt
Thu 01 Jul 2021 10:30:57 AM EDT
Thu 01 Jul 2021 10:32:43 AM EDT
Thu 01 Jul 2021 10:32:46 AM EDT
Thu 01 Jul 2021 10:32:48 AM EDT

Quirk 7: Comparing strings and numbers

In many programming languages, you can check to see if two “things” are equal by using == (equals) and != (not-equals) operators, and this works regardless of the types of the things you are comparing. Here is Ruby, for example:

irb(main):001:0> 1 == 1
=> true
irb(main):004:0> 1 != 5
=> true
irb(main):005:0> "apple" == "apple"
=> true
irb(main):006:0> "apple" != "orange"
=> true

And there are also additional operators like >, >=, < and <= for comparing whether numbers are greater than or less than each other. Here’s Ruby again:

irb(main):009:0> 1 < 2
=> true
irb(main):010:0> 2 >= 1
=> true

Bash is different in a couple of ways:

  1. You have to use [[ to do these sorts of checks.

  2. There are two sets of comparison operators:

    • == and != for string comparison
    • -eq, -ne, -gt, -lt, -le -ge for numerical comparison

To check whether two strings are equal or not equal:

# Prints "Equal"
if [[ "foo" == "foo" ]]; then
  echo "Equal"
  echo "Not equal"

# Prints "Not equal"
if [[ "foo" != "bar" ]]; then
  echo "Not equal"
  echo "Equal"

To compare numbers:

# Prints "Equal"
if [[ 1 -eq 1 ]]; then
  echo "Equal"
  echo "Not equal"

# Prints "Equal"
if [[ 1 -ne 2 ]]; then
  echo "Not equal"
  echo "Equal"

# Prints "5 is greater"
if [[ 5 -gt 4 ]]; then
  echo "5 is greater"
  echo "5 is not greater"

Be careful not to mix up ==/!= and -eq/-ne! You will run into unexpected behavior if you compare strings using the numerical operators:

# BAD: numerical comparison
# Prints "Apples and oranges are the same!?"
if [[ "apple" -eq "orange" ]]; then
  echo "Apples and oranges are the same!?"
  echo "Apples and oranges are clearly different"

# GOOD: string comparison
# Prints "Apples and oranges are clearly different"
if [[ "apple" == "orange" ]]; then
  echo "Apples and oranges are the same!?"
  echo "Apples and oranges are clearly different"

Quirk 8: Passing arguments through

A common task, when you’re writing Bash scripts, is to pass the arguments of one script through to another. Just as a silly example, let’s write a little “wrapper script” for the ls command:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo "Welcome to ls-wrapper!" >&2


This works well enough in that it calls ls without arguments:

$ chmod +x ls-wrapper
$ ./ls-wrapper
Welcome to ls-wrapper!
<list of files in current directory>

But it doesn’t work if I try to use ls-wrapper the same way that I might use ls. For example, I can’t ask it to list the files in a different directory than the one I’m in:

$ ./ls-wrapper /tmp/some-other-dir
Welcome to ls-wrapper!
<still a list of files in the current directory>

We can make ls-wrapper work just like ls by passing the arguments of ls-wrapper through to ls. So how do we do that? Well, if you google this question, you’re going to find a lot of complicated answers, but the answer is more or less straightforward: just use "$@":

You will sometimes see people use $*. Don’t do that! You should almost always use "$@", unless you really know what you’re doing and you have a specific reason not to.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo "Welcome to ls-wrapper!" >&2

ls "$@"

Now, here is our ls wrapper script in action:

$ ./ls-wrapper /tmp/some-other-dir
Welcome to ls-wrapper!
<list of files in /tmp/some-other-dir>

Quirk 9: Bailing out if there is an error

In most programming languages, we expect a program to stop what it’s doing immediately if there is an error. Not in Bash!

Take this program, for example:

echo "Hello!"

# This will fail because the directory doesn't exist.
ls /ontehn/oeoanthesnu/aotehntaosethuanoteh

echo "We'll never get this far."

Here’s the output when you run this script:

ls: cannot access '/ontehn/oeoanthesnu/aotehntaosethuanoteh': No such file or directory
We'll never get this far.

Oops! We did get that far. But in most cases, if you’re running a script that you wrote, and there is an error halfway through, you don’t want it to just keep going, right? Each line of your script could be depending on the success of the lines before it.

To make Bash behave more intuitively, we can use the set -e option:

set -e

echo "Hello!"

# This will fail because the directory doesn't exist.
ls /ontehn/oeoanthesnu/aotehntaosethuanoteh

echo "We'll never get this far."

This makes the Bash interpreter exit immediately as soon as one of the commands (ls, in this case) returns a non-zero exit code to indicate failure:

ls: cannot access '/ontehn/oeoanthesnu/aotehntaosethuanoteh': No such file or directory

This is a much better behavior 99% of the time, in my opinion.

Of course, a lot of the time, you expect certain commands to fail, and you want your script to proceed in a certain way. A common example is checking for the existence of a string in a file using grep:

$ grep localhost /etc/hosts       localhost
::1     ip6-localhost ip6-loopback

# Zero exit code indicates success (string found)
$ echo $?

$ grep "something else" /etc/hosts

# Non-zero exit code indicates failure (string not found)
$ echo $?

So you might be worried that set -e doesn’t account for situations like these, where you might want to explicitly handle errors yourself:

set -e

if grep "onions" /etc/hosts; then
  echo "found onions"

grep "onions" /etc/hosts && echo "found onions"

grep "onions" /etc/hosts || echo "no onions found"

echo "proceed to do other work"

Don’t worry! set -e takes constructs like if, while, && and || into account, so your script will Just Work™ the way that you would expect, without exiting prematurely:

no onions found
proceed to do other work

As an aside: It turns out that using set -e is controversial because there are various edge cases where it behaves unexpectedly. My take is that if you use set -e at the top of all of your scripts by default (especially if you also use -o pipefail, which I’ll talk about next), even though it may not be perfect and there are certain edge cases that you might run into from time to time, it’s still well worth it because it will help you avoid subtle bugs where some part of your script doesn’t work, but the script proceeds to run past that point anyway.

The decision about whether or not to use set -e and set -o pipefail is one about trade-offs, and in my opinion, the benefits of set -e outweigh the costs. If you’re new to writing Bash scripts, I recommend that you put set -eo pipefail at the top of all of your scripts as a general rule, and see how you like it in the long run. As you gain more experience with Bash and learn more about how set -eo pipefail works in practice, you can decide for yourself whether or not you prefer to use it. My prediction is that you’ll prefer to use these safeguards and deal with any edge cases that come up, instead of not using them and having to handle every single possible error yourself!

Quirk 10: Handling errors in a pipeline

One weakness of set -e is that it doesn’t account for the errors that can happen in the middle of a pipeline.

In the case of the ls /some/nonexistent/directory example above, the script exited immediately because the ls command in the middle of the script returned a non-zero exit code to indicate failure.

But what if we piped that ls command into another command? As a simple example, let’s pipe the ls command into cat -, which just passes through its input as output:

set -e

echo "Hello!"

ls /some/nonexistent/directory | cat -

echo "We'll never get this far."

Even with set -e, when the ls command fails, the cat command still gets executed. But it’s even worse than that. Because the cat command executes successfully, the script doesn’t bail out like we want it to. If it weren’t for the error message that ls prints on stderr, we would have no idea that the ls command failed, and the script proceeds to execute to the end as if nothing went wrong!

ls: cannot access '/some/nonexistent/directory': No such file or directory
We'll never get this far.

The remedy for this is the -o pipefail option. You can use it on its own with set -o pipefail, but you’ll usually see it used in conjunction with set -e, as set -eo pipefail:

set -eo pipefail

echo "Hello!"

ls /some/nonexistent/directory | cat -

echo "We'll never get this far."

Now, our script is smart enough to recognize that the ls command in the pipeline failed, and so should the script as a whole at that point:

ls: cannot access '/some/nonexistent/directory': No such file or directory

That’s it!

I hope you found this helpful! Despite its quirks, Bash is an indispensable tool for the modern software developer. Once you know how to navigate the weird parts, you can reap the benefits of having this wonderful, bizarre language in your repertoire.


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