dave yarwood
Using git write-tree to cache builds


August 20, 2020

Write, compile, run, observe

When you’re writing a program in a compiled language, you might find yourself repeating this cycle:

  • Write code
  • Compile executable
  • Run executable
  • Observe results

(Lather, rinse, repeat.)

I don’t know about you, but when I’m repeating this cycle over and over again, I don’t want to have to worry about whether or not the build that I’m running was compiled from the same code that I’m currently looking at. In other words, each time I run the command that runs the build (e.g. java -jar target/project.jar), I have to wonder whether or not I’ve run the command that compiles my code (e.g. javac ...) since the last time I made changes to the code. It would be nice to remove any uncertainty and be 100% confident that the build I’m running corresponds to the code I’m looking at.

Always build it before you run it

A simple solution to this problem is to condense the “compile” and “run” steps of your build cycle into a single step: “compile and run.”

Picture a bin/run script in your project that looks something like this:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Exit immediately if the build fails
set -e

# Compile executable jar file
javac # ... arguments go here ...

# Run the jar file, passing along the arguments from `bin/run ...`
java -jar target/project.jar "$@"

Now, your build cycle is a little simpler:

  • Write code
  • Run bin/run
  • Observe results

This isn’t totally satisfying, though. Sometimes, you might want to run the same build a bunch of times in a row, i.e.:

  • Write code
  • Run bin/run some arguments
  • Observe results
  • Run bin/run some other arguments
  • Observe results
  • Run bin/run some different arguments
  • Observe results

In this situation, you have to sit there and wait for the same code to recompile, each and every time you run bin/run, even though you didn’t make any changes to the code!

This is the problem that build caching is meant to solve.

Build caching

The idea with build caching is that we can speed up builds by not doing any more work than we have to. If we haven’t made any changes to the code, then there is no reason to recompile; we can just reuse the last build.

It’s worth noting that some platforms and build tools (like Gradle, AWS CodeBuild, and Docker) have their own built-in caching to speed things up for the end user. For example, Gradle has an incremental build feature where it can reuse parts of previous builds in the current build, which can speed things up substantially.

The technique I’m about to describe can provide some additional benefit in that it allows you to skip the build tool altogether if the code hasn’t changed. It also allows you to have build caching in scenarios where a build tool doesn’t provide it.

BYOBC (bring your own build caching)

The secret sauce in our homebrew build caching setup is a script that generates a hash of the content of the files in the project.

Any time you make a change to a file in your project, add a new file, remove a file, etc. the hash that the script outputs will be different. If you run the script twice in a row without making any changes in between, you will see the same hash. This way, we’ll know if we need to recompile (i.e. the hash is different, which means something changed) or if we can reuse an existing build.

Once we’re able to generate a hash for the current state of the files in the project, the next step is store each build in a folder whose name includes the hash. Whenever we want to build the project, we first generate the content hash and check to see if there is already a build for that hash. If there is, then we’re done; we don’t need to build it again. If there isn’t, then we compile our code, etc. and we put the build artifacts (executables, etc.) into a folder whose name includes the hash so that we can reuse it.

Here is an example shell session that should make this a little easier to visualize:

$ bin/current-content-hash

# We don't have a build yet for the current content, so `bin/build` creates a
# build in the target directory, in a folder whose name includes the content
# hash.
$ bin/build
Building target/e45c9cf94f64b28f852196d2b386d07f4640633d/my-program...

# If we run `bin/build` again without making changes, it's a no-op.
$ bin/build
Existing build: target/e45c9cf94f64b28f852196d2b386d07f4640633d/my-program

# ... writing code, making changes ...

# After saving a change to a file, the content hash is different.
$ bin/current-content-hash

# Now if we run `bin/build`, it will create a new build because there is no
# folder within the target directory that includes that content hash.
$ bin/build
Building target/ff7ada844186e67c0282324452e4a5be537f0771/my-program...

# Just like before, the build is cached, so `bin/build` is a no-op:
$ bin/build
Existing build: target/ff7ada844186e67c0282324452e4a5be537f0771/my-program

git write-tree

(I’m assuming that your project is version-controlled using Git. If it isn’t, you can still use this overall approach, but you will need to figure out another way to generate a hash of the content of your project!)

You’ve probably never heard of the git write-tree command because it’s rarely useful during common, everyday usage of Git. The documentation is pretty confusing, and it isn’t very obvious what it does, unless you happen to have a good working knowledge about Git’s internals.

For our purposes, I would describe git write-tree as a command that prints out a hash that represents the current state of the files in the Git repo. This considers not only the commit that you have checked out, but also any uncommitted changes that you may have made. In other words, the hash changes each time you make a change to a file, and that’s exactly what we want for our build caching system!

There are a couple of things to be aware of when using git write-tree:

  1. Unstaged changes are ignored, which means you have to stage everything first by running git add --all.

  2. Technically, git write-tree creates a hash based on the current index, which is a file that you can think of as representing the current state of the commit you have checked out, plus any changes that you have staged.

    By default, the Git index is a binary file that can be found at .git/index at the root of the repo.

    You can specify a different index file to use by setting the environment variable GIT_INDEX_FILE to the path to a different file.

We want to use git write-tree to print out a hash of the current content of the repo, but there is a minor hurdle in that to do so, we would have to stage any unstaged changes we have, and we don’t really want to do that because that would mess with our current Git state. What if we don’t want to stage our unstaged changes yet?

The solution is to make a copy of the Git index and use that instead by setting GIT_INDEX_FILE to the copy of the index, then staging everything, then running git write-tree.

Tying it all together, here is our bin/current-content-hash script:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Make sure we do all this in the root of the repo.
cd "$(dirname "$0")/../"

# Make a copy of the Git index and use it instead.
cp .git/index "$tmp_git_index"
export GIT_INDEX_FILE="$tmp_git_index"

# Stage any unstaged changes.
git add --all

# Print the hash.
git write-tree

Garbage collection

One last thing I’ll mention is that build caching generates a lot of garbage in the form of old builds. All those builds hanging around can really add up over time and eat up your disk space!

To address that, I have this little find command right at the beginning of my bin/build script that deletes any builds that were created more than 7 days ago:

target_dir="$(dirname "$0")/../target/"
mkdir -p "$target_dir"
find "$target_dir" -maxdepth 1 -type d -mtime +7 -exec rm -vrf {} \;

That’s it!

There you have it: your very own bespoke build caching system in about a couple dozen lines of Bash.

I hope somebody finds this useful. I’ve been really enjoying this setup as I’ve been developing the next version of Alda. It allows me to focus on writing code; whenever I want to run the program, I just run bin/run with some arguments; and it won’t waste time recompiling if I haven’t made any changes.


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